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<aside> 🔥 Accredited ICF coach with disaster and emergency management experience. I can help your team make real progress fast, especially if you’re stuck on a messy, complex, ambiguous challenge.


Non-directive coaching is a simple and quick tool to get the understanding you need for a more positive future. Coach Everyday!

Course Interest Survey

Coaching in Emergency Management. Access an interest survey and get more information on a course I am building for Non-Directive Coaching in Disaster and Emergency Management with a focus on Program Development Rapid Risk Reduction in complex systems.

Check out our non-directive coaching wiki

Anyone can be a beginner to intermediate coach. Professional coaching is a whole other story, we can get you started.

“Brad’s insightful interpersonal interaction with myself and the team members of CMHA Alberta Division has supported decision making, empowered staff members in the exploration of options as well as the development of new approaches to risk and disaster mitigation related to the COVID 19 pandemic.  Coaching, consulting, and a wealth of work and personal experience allows.” -

David Grauweiler CEO Canadian Mental Health Association - Alberta



“A small group of students from our diploma program was offered the opportunity to participate in both group and individual coaching over a few months. They reported receiving significant benefit from this experience, indicating that the coaching help to reaffirm their known skills and abilities and identify new opportunities for growth that are best aligned with their personal and professional goals.  The students left the experience feeling both validated and more confident about their next steps.  Brad at Hazardscape was very accommodating and made the extra effort to ensure that the students were provided with access to the Virtual Hub for networking, which also proved to be of significant value.  In addition to coaching, Brad provided mentorship for these emerging professionals, which is critical in this field of practice. On behalf of the program, I want to extend my thanks and gratitude to Hazardscape for providing our students with this unique opportunity!” -

Jodi Manz-Henezi Program Chair - Disaster and Emergency Management Program NAIT