There isn't a definitive number of coaching "schools" or approaches, as coaching is a continually evolving field with various methodologies, models, and philosophies. And as professional coaches evolve, the field of coaching is being ‘mashed’ with other fields to develop niches within the broader spectrum of coaching as a way to attract and speak to different communities.

<aside> 💡 An experienced and well-trained professional non-directive coach can coach anyone, in any field, on any challenge because their primary way of coaching is dependent on the coachee’s understanding of their context. This means the non-directive coach does not require anything but the ability to ask powerful open-ended questions, listen actively, create trust, and committing to a process of co-creation in a non-judgmental way.



1. Non-directive coaching

This approach focuses on guiding clients to find their own solutions and insights through active listening and powerful questioning. The coach acts as a facilitator, rather than providing direct advice or solutions. Because non-directive coaching is the primary school of coaching for this wiki we developed an independent page for it.

2. Directive coaching

In this approach, the coach offers more guidance, advice, and suggestions to clients. Directive coaching can be useful in skill-building or when specific expertise is required.

3. Cognitive-behavioral coaching

This coaching approach is rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and aims to help clients identify and change limiting beliefs, behaviors, and thought patterns that may be hindering their progress.

4. Solution-focused coaching

This approach emphasizes finding solutions and creating a positive future, rather than dwelling on past problems or challenges. Coaches help clients identify their strengths, resources, and opportunities to move forward.

5. Ontological coaching

This coaching approach focuses on the client's way of being, encompassing their language, emotions, and body. The coach works with the client to create new perspectives, behaviors, and possibilities by examining and transforming these aspects.

5. Transformational coaching

This approach aims to create deep, lasting change in clients by addressing their core beliefs, values, and identity. The coach helps clients challenge and transform limiting beliefs and develop a greater sense of self-awareness and purpose.

6. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) coaching

This coaching approach is based on the principles of NLP, a method for understanding and influencing human behavior. NLP coaching helps clients identify and change unconscious patterns and beliefs that may be holding them back.

7. Systems coaching

This approach considers the client within the context of their relationships, environment, and larger systems. The coach helps the client understand the dynamics at play in their situation and develop strategies for creating positive change within the system.