Mutualism refers to a type of symbiotic relationship between the coach and the coachee, in which both parties benefit from the non-directive coaching relationship. Trust plays a key role in mutualistic relationships, as each person relies on the other for support, resources, or protection. The mutual dependence and cooperation between people in a mutualistic relationship can be seen as a reflection of trust within a non-directive coaching context.

Regardless of the aspect, mutualism is critical. It means the protection of any information obtained around the major aspects and the minor aspects between the coach and the coachee. Unless consent is provided the non-directive coach can not release major and minor details. Even if the coachee is accessing coaching through their employer, the coach is obligated to keep the conversation and all details of the relationship confidential.

The only exception to this constraint is when the coachee, or someone else, could be in danger, or if they display a likelihood of violence and harm.

The Role of the Coach and Coachee

Major Aspects Agreement Template