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Coaching Circles® believes that individuals, organizations, and communities can flourish and achieve what matters most to them when they create a thriving culture that allows exploration of the challenges and complexities they face.


1. What are Coaching Circles?

Coaching Circles® are a trusting environment for a small group of peers to coach each other in exploring the challenges and complexities of their roles and in designing effective and authentic ways to achieve what matters most to them.

Coaching circles combine the power of action learning and integral development to support leaders in creatively tackling the challenges they face while practicing the coaching skills they need on the job. This powerful technology enables individuals and teams to boost their performance and develop their capabilities in a truly supportive environment. Specifically, coaching circles deliver the following results:

2. How do Coaching Circle Work?

Coaching circles operate under the premise that adults learn better and flourish more under certain conditions, including when: